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A bit about me.. - Inspirational Tea Co.

A bit about me..

 I’m Tanya and I am the founder of Monji Tea. You will often find me with a cup of tea (or coffee) in my hand, and various cups scattered throughout my house.

I’m one of three girls and was very close to my maternal Granny. The standard greeting in our family was and still is ‘Would you like a cuppa?’. Tea has always been the drink of connecting and comfort for me.

Somehow I married a lovely guy who doesn’t drink tea or coffee (what?!), but we seem to have found a common bond in wine, travel and our two amazing kids. My Mum and Dad sometimes share a teabag so at least I don’t have to do that!

I grew up on a farm in the south of Western Australia. We lived on Monjebup Road, near the Chillinup River and I was born in Gnowangerup. I played weekend sport in Ongerup, Jerramungup and Pingrup. Are you getting this pattern?. It means ‘place of’.

So Monjebup Rd was the inspiration for Monji Tea. Also Monji in Japanese means letter, or character, and that seemed ideal for a brand that is obsessed with words.

My vision for Monji Tea is to inspire women to look after themselves and each other. It links to the two main benefits of drinking tea – self-care and connecting.

If my teabags with quotes can encourage tea drinkers to take a break in their day, even one as short as the time it takes for the tea to brew, then I know that they are looking after themselves.

It’s been proven that taking small, regular breaks increases our ability to see the big picture and be more productive and creative. Combine this with the fact that tea contains a compound that relaxes the mind without bringing on drowsiness and you have a superhero beverage.

I want my customers to be able to handle whatever the day throws at them with positivity and calm.

The second part of my vision is about connecting. I’ve seen firsthand in my work with Women’s Shelters the power of women coming together for a cuppa and a yarn.

I honestly believe that most problems can be solved over a cup of tea.

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